Dr Alex Collie, Chief Research Officer of Australia’s Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research, will be speaking in Toronto in the CIHR Research Chair in Gender, Work & Health Speaker Series. His topic: “Complexity and adaptation in workers’ compensation systems: observations and implications for policy and practice”.
The lecture will be held Friday Oct. 3 from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the University of Toronto’s Rehabilitation Sciences Building, Rm 140, 500 University Ave. Space is limited so please RSVP to Nikki Guerriero
Dr Collie’s research program focuses on the health, social and vocational impacts of injury compensation and claims management practices. Co-author of a recently published systematic review on interactions between injured workers and insurers in workers’ compensation systems (Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, May 2014), an overview of his research (together with Institute for Work & Health’s Agnieszka Kosny) on the experiences of injured workers was presented at a recent 2013 conference.